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1945 - 2009
John Baker was an artist.
He didn't paint. he didn't sculpt. What he did was to "draw" people,
to include them; to entertain them; to involve them,
and therein was his artistry.

He never tired of entertaining and people never tired of listening
to his music; to his jokes
and they drew on his amazing strength of spirit
even in the adversity of his debilitating disease, ALS.
As the musician Johnny Baker or later as Jonny Seww
made his mark in life and on those he knew.
ALS confined him to a bodiless spirit but his spirit remained unfettered.

John Baker was an artist,
From the depths of this disease
he created a means to help those with the same affliction of body.
ALS could not deter him
From his entertaining; from his sense of humour;
from his sense of commitment to finding a cure.

And his music plays on.